It’s the perfect date movie, also the type of rom-com that giddy girlfriends will watch over and over again.
As expected, “The Royal Treatment” had its own share of bashers but who cares, right? What’s important is that it brought back the triumph of good versus evil and the possibility of true love between a prince and a hardworking hairdresser.
Despite the movie’s flaws, as listed by the critics (get a life, man!), watching “The Royal Treatment” felt like a warm hug on a cold morning.
Perfect Izzy
Isabella or Izzy represents that loyal friend who insists on seeing cupcakes and unicorns even on the darkest night. She is the perfect daughter, a perfect neighbor who gives out donuts on any given day, and the perfect salon owner, who will do anything to keep the business running, including giving up her travel savings. Her kind heart easily paints a perfect existence. But life comes with challenges, and the only way to be happy, is to follow one’s true calling.
“If I treated people in the salon like that, I have no customers.”
She was so upset with the Prince when he allowed Madame Fabre to rudely treat the hotel staff. Izzy hates injustice and so she rushed to help the poor girl, telling her “It’s ok, everybody spills stuff.” She needed the money, but she walked out of a $500 stint, even if she was scammed with more than $2000 dollars earlier that day by their shrewd building superintendent.
“It’s a beautiful night, I wanna look at the stars.”

When the Prince offers her a ride back to the salon, Izzy declines. “I am used to stargazing with lights and pollution.” A true optimist, she sees the bright side in everything. Amid New York’s thick polluted air, she sees stars. There is always something good in every situation.
There were many instances in the movie when she will stop and look at the stars. On a night out in Uber de Glaise, she looks up in the sky and discovers the beauty of the stars without pollution. And then towards the end of the movie, at the fire exit she sadly notices a single star, just before the sound of the galloping horse.
"If I stay here, nothing will happen to me."
Her mother did not want her to go to Lavina, because it was so far. But Izzy was determined to go. After all, she has always dreamed of traveling to different places. At times, one must bravely tread unknown waters, and it might just lead to true happiness.
“No need to introduce yourself.”

When Walter presents her personal housekeeper, she extends her hand and introduces herself. But Walter tells her it was not necessary. “Why not? She’s a person,” she insists and ends up giving Petra a hug. Lola and Destiny chided Walter about his manners, ironically, he says that “manners are the foundation of my life and work.” People deserve respect, whether they are kings and queens, or someone working twice as hard to make a living.
“I love everything, really.”
Despite the limitations, Izzy loves everything about her life. She loves her neighborhood, even if does not seem like a safe place. Money is tight and yet she gives away donuts and gives free hair cut to the children in the community. In Lavinia, she leads a toy drive, cooks spaghetti, and again gives a free haircut for the children at Uber de Glaise. A generous heart is a happy heart because it paves the way for more blessings.
"Why are you just a hairdresser?"
When Prince Thomas uttered these words, Izzy aggressively shot back with “just?”. He was quick to point out, that there were certainly other things Izzy could do, apart from cutting hair. And he was right. As per Izzy, "I love nothing more than to do something else.”
Both characters are bound by family obligations and duties. Izzy could not leave her mother, since the latter has not been the same since her father died. She needs Izzy’s help, in running the salon. Thomas needed to marry Lauren to save the ailing kingdom.
"There are so many people coming to our wedding but I don’t know hardly any of them."
This was said by Lauren the fiancé of Prince Thomas. Probably one of the saddest lines in the movie. Sometimes we tend to be so caught up with what the world will think or how it will all look on Instagram, we forget the very reason why we are doing it. Well, for Prince Thomas and Lauren it was marriage for convenience, such reaction was expected. But marriage like everything else in life is founded on love. And so in the end, they had to both follow their hearts. She set out to make a career by making dog purses, he rode a horse and waited for his love at the fire exit.
"Be the change you want to be in the world."
This line followed Izzy’s initial statement which goes “I always thought I can change the world if I could be given the chance,” but Prince Thomas tells her, she didn’t have to wait for a rare chance. She can lead that change immediately, by “being the change” and by starting with herself. We all know what happens in the end, right? They vowed not only to love each other but to change the world together.
"Who’s ready to look gorgeous today?"
We should thank Lola for this line. Lauren and her mother were having a heated conversation until the two stylists vibrantly walked in. Their presence instantly lifted Lauren’s mood. Yes, her wedding was happily called off, and Lauren looked gorgeous as ever.
This is the Glow Getter’s mantra. We declare all-out beauty every single day, and the universe conspires.