Aromatherapy has been around for thousands of years. Ancient people were believed to have used aromatic plant extracts into balms, salves, resins, and even oils. The idea was, these aromas had wonderful benefits for one’s physical and psychological being.
In recent years, particularly during the pandemic, aromatherapy became a buzzword. Everyone was into it and were purchasing a variety of things that smelled nice. Understandably so, because we were all cooped up in our own spaces and we wanted to make it as homey and comfortable as possible. Fragrant scents were one way of doing so, and we’ve seen an influx of essential oil users.
But what exactly is aromatherapy? According to Healthline, “aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Sometimes it’s called essential oil therapy. Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential oils medicinally to improve the health of the body, mind, and spirit. It enhances both physical and emotional health.”
Aromatherapy has been known to provide amazing benefits to our overall health. A few of which include better pain management, improvement in sleep quality, stress and anxiety relief, immunity boost, and more.
Johns Hopkins Medicine gave a simple explanation of how essential oils work. The science behind it is that the scent molecules from these oils travel directly to our brain from the olfactory nerves and greatly impact the amygdala, which is known as the emotional center of the brain. This is why sometimes, different scents can trigger different emotional responses.
Various essential oils are also said to help in various scenarios. Lavender is a popular scent choice for people who have trouble sleeping. Spearmint is said to help reduce nasal congestion. Eucalyptus is believed to aid in improving concentration. And the list goes on.
Local brand, The Oilbularyo, is among many others who believe in the healing powers of aromatherapy. In one video, owner and certified aromatherapist Geri Gil shared the value of aromatherapy.
“Just as food, as information, the plant extracts also offer hundreds of chemical constituents that support and modulate the human body to reach balance in order to regulate health,” she said. “This is really valuable because we are exposed to so many health threats and a lot of negativity on a daily basis.”
“Again, remember, it's not about treating illness, but about creating wellness. And you create wellness every moment, every day, right? To bring balance to the body and mind.The discoveries of this modern practice is backed up by science, is rooted in ancient traditions, and [has] unlocked the undeniable benefits bestowed by herbs, plants, and trees.”

She added, “When I'm a little stressed out, really, there's nothing like a good, deep whiff of lavender. It's just so calming and soothing. So that's what I find really, really interesting about this therapy using aromas.”
As always, it’s important to do your research and see which essential oils are safe for you to use. Some people have more sensitive senses; others might be allergic. It’s also been said that there are essential oils that can be harmful to our pets’ heightened senses.
The safest route is to thoroughly follow proper instructions, read up, and consult a physician if you have concerns. Proceed with caution and don’t be afraid of essential oils! We’ll be the first to admit that we love our oils–lavenders, cedars, mints, and all!
The Oilbularyo is one of Parlon’s OG Club partners. Get up 15% off their Lavender Essential Oil and Lip Balm or enjoy a free aromatherapy class if you sign up to be a member of the OG Club.

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